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'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these. Mark 12:31
Bethel Baptist Church of Plaisance

Leopold Luc Guillaume first came to Plaisance and started his ministry of helping people with physical needs as a Doctor. At this time he was the only doctor in Plaisance and he would take people into his home and care for them. He would take care of their physical needs as well as their spiritual needs by teaching them about God. He started to build the Church with those who became followers through his medical care. They started meeting outside his home in a tent for church. He sent those who came from two or more hours away to start a church in their own village. This ministry began in 1957 with a small congregation and Mr.Guillaume became a pastor in 1986. Now, we have many who come to our main church and we also have eleven churches that were pioneered out of Mr.Guillaume's Ministry in the surrounding villages. In Haiti, the Church is a place of hope, catharsis, community, and peace.
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